Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 3 for Mrs.Newton: "...Up Until Now."

WOW....that is about all I can say. This week I hit the wall. I've been lazy; I've been hungry; I've been overeating; I haven't been sleeping; I've been flaking out on workouts...


I learned this very powerful phrase this week, and how to harness its power. Anytime you put a period on a sentence or thought that is not in line with your vision of where you want to be; insert this phrase before the period. "Up until now" opens up the door to possibility and change. It says, "yes this may be how it has been, but it doesn't have to continue being that way."

As Nik says, so much of our success is mental! The energy we put out goes where it is directed. And if our thoughts aren't in line it the direction we want to be going, we need to redirect it and remove any obstacles between us and that which we desire. When we have negative thoughts, acknowledge them by stopping and saying to the thought, "Thank you; you served me well. But I am moving to a new path." And off you go on your road to success, removing the obstacles and aligning yourself with what you want out of life.

So, I've been overeating, not working out enough, not sleeping well...up until now. And this next week I am:
  • Getting on a consistent sleep schedule
  • Walking or jogging in the morning Monday - Friday
  • Repeating my mantra 3xs a day, or as needed: "I appreciate my life and am so grateful!" (I'm starting here and working up to "I love myself just the way I am.")
So onward and upward to Week 4!

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